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Critical Thinking: Paying Attention to Details in Movies!

The critical thinking strategy of paying attention to details is essential for just about anything that you do, and that includes watching movies!

The way a film is lit, the angles used, the props within the scenes, the dialogue, and the time spent on certain shots are all vital details that add to the story and theme. Paying attention to the details and analyzing them are essential in getting the message of the film. This is very similar to getting down the theme of a novel, which is why it’s very important to interact with the text and take notes.

Critical Thinking: Paying Attention to Details in Movies!

Important Details in Movies and Literature

In the same way that reading should be interactive, watching movies should be an interactive experience as well. Read into the characters actions and mannerisms because that tells you more about the character than what they say. This is similar to “reading in between the lines.” The critical thinking strategy of attention to detail will help you peel back the layers. Here are a few things to pay attention to:

  • Tone of voice
  • Recurring mannerisms
  • Color palette and tint
  • Wardrobe of characters
  • Dialogue word choice

Through critical thinking, you can find out what these details show you about the characters.

Critical Thinking: Paying Attention to Details in Movies! 2

Looking Past the Surface

Using the critical thinking strategy of paying attention to details in a movie will make it easier to invest in the story. In turn, you can see things from the characters’ perspectives much better. The movie experience becomes more than just entertainment because you potentially learn something. Just as you should read with purpose, it will benefit you to watch with purpose as well.

Whether you’re using critical thinking strategies at school, home, work, or with a hobby, you’ll benefit from deeper thinking. Remember, there’s always something more to learn if you look past the surface.

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