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Study and Learning

It’s that time of year when we suddenly have those sunny evenings that quickly lead into summer! Summer is an ideal time for supporting kids’ individual interests and needs, but can also lead to summer brain drain. Outside of the classroom, they are free to learn and play in summer 
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Technology shapes our life experiences on a daily basis. When it comes to schoolwork, students today often access material through digital methods rather than print. The easy task-switching abilities of computers, tablets, and phones can make it more difficult to focus and slow down. However, when used effectively, technology can 
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None of us enjoy failing. We put a lot of energy into looking and feeling successful every day, and our moments of success motivate us to keep working hard. At the same time, it is impossible to learn without making mistakes, which is why having a growth mindset is essential 
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What is Educational Coaching all about? It’s about teaching our students how to learn so they can be successful. The skills and strategies we teach make it easier for students to understand concepts for subjects like reading and math. They are more organized. They finish homework faster and more effectively. 
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At The Family & Learning Center, we are privileged to work with amazing students and their families. They trust us to make a difference in their learning and education. Educational Coaching teaches students the skills and strategies they need to become successful learners. Students learn how to learn, with tools 
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The brain is complex and powerful, but it doesn’t always work the way we want it to. Sometimes we forget things or find it difficult to remember certain details or concepts. Try using these 3 memory strategies to help you learn more efficiently. There are three types of memory: Short 
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It’s almost time for that final bell to ring that will free you from your desk. The last thing you’re thinking about is the purpose of the lecture. That pesky seconds hand on the clock seems to be pecking away at the time slower than usual. The history teacher’s lecture 
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How do you study? That’s an important question that we should all think about. It doesn’t matter if you’re learning something in a classroom setting or at the office. The way you study is important. Quality studying will allow information to get stored in your long-term memory in a way 
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Procrastination is a part of human nature. Everyone procrastinates every now and then. Living in a world booming with technology makes procrastination even more common than ever before. It’s easy to get lost in a video of a cat trying to fit into a tiny jar and ignore a report 
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Just like learning about how a tool works helps you use it better, learning about how your brain works can help you learn more efficiently. There are two modes of thinking that are essential to learning: focused mode and diffuse mode. It’s critical that both thought patterns are used to 
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