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How To Organize Messy Binders

Happy new year! We’re about halfway through the school year, and now is a great time to take a look through your materials and organize messy binders!

Is there is hope for you?

Well, if a stormtrooper can organize a binder, then we know you can!

(Video by Mike Bitanga)

Still need a little more help? Check out these helpful hints to organize messy binders:

Learning Tools - Organize Messy Binders

1. Use dividers and place them in the order of your class schedule.

2. Designate a place for loose leaf paper.

3. File away loose papers behind the class divider on a daily basis.

4. Personalize your binder, so it is something you can easily use.

5. Purchase a 3-ring plastic pouch to hold other supplies: pencils, pens, erasers, small calculator, self-adhesive hole reinforcements for notebook paper, 3-hole punch designed to fit on binder rings, etc.

Searching for more tools and tips to get organized? Take a look through TFALC’s Learning Resources for Students. And may the force be with you…and your binders.

One Response to “How To Organize Messy Binders”

  • As we reach the end of the 2017 school year, many people are gearing up to teach summer school, whether to their own children or in a public or private school system setting. For example, I found your blog post now even though it is nearing the end of the year because I will be teaching summer classes and I’m trying to get organized ahead of time. Great post and lots of tips that will definitely be used!

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